Short Course (3 months)

Shinwa Foreign Language Academy


Sujets d'instruction

Écouter, parler, prononciation, lecture, rédaction, vocabulaire, grammaire et activités

Emploi du temps

Durée du cours
10-20 semaines
Débuts de séssion
04 juil. 2024, 10 oct. 2024 et 13 janv. 2025
Cours par semaine
20 leçons par semaine (chaque leçon dure 45 min)
Jours de classe
lundi - vendredi
Jours fériés
23 sept. 2024 et 03 nov. 2024

Shinwa Academy ne prévoit pas de cours durant des jours fériés indiqués ci-dessus. L'école n'offre pas de remboursement pour ces jours manqués donc faîtes attention en choississant vos dates de voyage.

Heures de cours

You can choose from the following class times:

Session du matin
09:00 - 12:25
Session de l'après-midi
13:00 - 16:25

L'emploi du temps du cours peut changer selon la disponibilité et la saison.

Description des cours

Shinwa has short courses available for people who are already in Japan or are coming to Japan and accommodation. These courses are designed to help people brush up their Japanese or begin their studies. This is ideal for people who are working part time, evenings or visiting Japan as they can attend morning classes before their work begins.

Classes cover all aspects of Japanese learning. Speaking, listening, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and culture. We also have a variety of activities for you to engage in as well as interested sightseeing spots for you to enjoy during your stay.

NOTE: We can only accept students from America, Australia, Canada, Europe and New Zealand.
NOTE: If a VISA is needed, we cannot supply supporting documents for an application for a short course.

Niveau du cours

Tous les niveaux, de débutant à avancé
Vous passerez un test lors de votre premier jour de classes pour déterminer votre niveau de langue. Vous pouvez aussi prendre cet examen avant votre arrivée à Tōkyō

Taille du cours

Moyenne 15 étudiants
Maximum 20 étudiants

Age des étudiants

Tranche d'âge 18 ans et plus
Moyenne 23 ans
(19 en été)


Un certificat d'accomplissement vous sera présenté à la fin de votre cours
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  • Immeuble de Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 1/39
  • Salle de cours à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 2/39
  • Salle de cours à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 3/39
  • Salle de cours à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 4/39
  • Salle d'informatique à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 5/39
  • Entrée de Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 6/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 7/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 8/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 9/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 10/39
  • Classes at Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 11/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 12/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 13/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 14/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 15/39
  • Classes at Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 16/39
  • Classes at Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 17/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 18/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 19/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 20/39
  • Professeurs et personnel de Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 21/39
  • Activités proposées à Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 22/39
  • Branch School 23/39
  • City of Tōkyō 24/39
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  • Shinwa Foreign Language Academy 26/39
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100% recommendent

basé sur 6 avis
5 étoiles
4 étoiles
3 étoiles
2 étoiles
1 étoile
Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales

"Great teachers, very tough class"

Evan Poladian, etudiant de Etats-Unis

I really enjoyed this class. The course went over chapters 1-24 in the minna no nihongo textbooks with tests every week and a final on the last week. This also includes intensive hiragana and katakana workbooks as well as a kanji book we started on the 3rd week. I did not pass the class because I did not study enough. However, I highly recommend this class for new Japanese learners because through this class I made significant progress in understanding the language. Far more than I was managing with self study.
The one major issue I experienced is that this school seems more geared for Chinese students so I did not have many English speaking classmates. Which means that if you don’t understand something there’s not going to be someone you can rely on to quickly explain it in English if you’re completely lost. I was in a class of 12 people and I was the only American. There were 8 Chinese students, 2 Vietnamese students and 1 French student. From the looks of it that was common throughout the whole school. Personally, I was okay with this because it forced me to interact using the class content and I couldn’t realistically communicate ideas by falling back on my native tongue. If you take this class I highly, highly, recommend going to the English counselor for assistance if there’s anything you don’t understand.

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Mes notes pour cette école

Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales
Durée des études
9 semaines
Dates d'étude
16 Oct 2023 - 22 Dec 2023
Recommanderiez-vous cette école à un ami ?
C'est un commentaire vérifié. L'étudiant qui a écrit ce commentaire a réservé un cours au près de cette école avec Language International.

"Very organized & structured method of learning"

EDWARD HONG, etudiant de Taiwan

I liked how organized the content was taught, for instance, each chapter would progressively built on the past lessons. I've also noticed that the teachers would change the grammatical structure of their sentences in order to demonstrate how the new chapter's content could be used. The location was nice and easy to access, I've been able to travel to my classroom via Tram, Subway, JR and all of them were very convenient.

I did not get to participate any activities nor use any provided houses so no comment.

I did find it troublesome with the pacing of the course, I took the 10-week session with Shinwa found it somewhat difficult to catch up if I fail to understand the current chapter's content. I also found that there is a lack of discipline in some classes. There was a day when the instructor didn't come and my class was split and merged with another class that was loud and disrespectful. It was not a good environment to learn in, as my peers would chatter in Mandarin and the instructor was not able to control the class.

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Mes notes pour cette école

Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales
Durée des études
10 semaines
Dates d'étude
10 Apr 2023 - 23 Jun 2023
Recommanderiez-vous cette école à un ami ?
C'est un commentaire vérifié. L'étudiant qui a écrit ce commentaire a réservé un cours au près de cette école avec Language International.
Ben Merritt, Office Director at Shinwa Foreign Language Academy responded to this review.
17 July 2023

I am both glad and sorry about your experience.
Generally higher level classes are much more disciplined and students are more focused. But we often find that those studying their first 3 months take time to become accustomed to the Japanese educational system, and as a result they often chat with each other about unrelated matters to the classes.
I will bring this up with the principal.

"Fantastic environment and lovely teachers."

Michael Laetsch, etudiant de Australie

Had a great time. Teachers were passionate and accommodating. Loved my time there.

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Mes notes pour cette école

Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales
Durée des études
9 semaines
Dates d'étude
11 Jan 2023 - 21 Mar 2023
Recommanderiez-vous cette école à un ami ?
C'est un commentaire vérifié. L'étudiant qui a écrit ce commentaire a réservé un cours au près de cette école avec Language International.
Ben Merritt, Office Director at Shinwa Foreign Language Academy responded to this review.
17 July 2023

Thank you very much for your kind words, we are very pleased you had a good experience.

"Really nice school"

Kevin Sandri, etudiant de Italie

It has been nice. Teachers were friendly and overall everyhthing was ok.
Maybe just the teaching method was hard for europeans, due to different
method of learning

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Mes notes pour cette école

Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales
Durée des études
3 semaines
Dates d'étude
6 Jan 2020 - 31 Jan 2020
Recommanderiez-vous cette école à un ami ?
C'est un commentaire vérifié. L'étudiant qui a écrit ce commentaire a réservé un cours au près de cette école avec Language International.
Mika Hatakeyama, Student Manager & Interpreter at Shinwa Foreign Language Academy responded to this review.
06 July 2020

Thank you for your feedback.
The educational culture shock is always surprising for some people as it is very different in Japan compared to Europe and America.

It was a pleasure to have you here though.

"Supportive native speaking staff and enthusiastic teachers"

Katie Lambert

I was picked up at the airport and guided by a Ben from the office who took me to me accommodation by train, then registered me at city hall, got my insurance, hanko, bank account and mobile phone. He was really helpful.

Classes began a few days later and were hard at first as they do not use English at all so it’s fully immersive and intensive. But I soon caught up and adapted to the study culture of Japan.

Teachers helped me a lot and were really supportive and enthusiastic. They helped me to apply for college and I got in too.

Ben helped me a lot in his free time too, taking me to hospitals, dentists and even to sort out my first bills at my apartment.

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Mes notes pour cette école

Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales
Durée des études
74 semaines
Dates d'étude
15 Oct 2018 - 20 Mar 2020
Recommanderiez-vous cette école à un ami ?
Ben Merritt, Office Director at Shinwa Foreign Language Academy responded to this review.
20 August 2019

Thank you very much. I will look forward to seeing you graduate in March.

"Energetic, fast paced and great support"

James Stevens

I studied for an 18-month course and graduated last year. The course was fast pace and hard to keep up for the first 2 weeks. But teachers organizes man to man classes after in English to help me catch up. After a week of these, I was back on track.

Japanese schools teach in Japanese only which was daunting at first but once you pick up the language and self-study you can learn very easily.

I went from beginner to N3/2 level in my time.

After I graduated I returned to the states and now work in a company that needed a Japanese speaker so I often visit Japan now.

It’s a good school and the English speaking staff, Ben was super supportive and helpful. He taught me basic grammar in his free time when I was stuck and helped me with registering at city hall and stuff.

Can’t recommend this school enough.

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Mes notes pour cette école

Qualité de l'enseignement
Installations scolaires
Activités sociales
Durée des études
75 semaines
Dates d'étude
5 Oct 2015 - 17 Mar 2017
Recommanderiez-vous cette école à un ami ?
Ben Merritt, Office Director at Shinwa Foreign Language Academy responded to this review.
01 February 2018

Thank you very much for your review!

I hope your studies are going well and that you are able to use Japanese as often as you can with your chosen career!


Assistance visa

Nous ne pouvons pas faire de demande de visa au nom des étudiants. Cependant, l'école peut vous fournir tous les documents dont vous avez besoin pour préparer votre demande.

Votre lettre d'acceptation sera envoyée à votre domicile par la poste sans frais. Si vous désirez recevoir vos documents par courrier express, vous serez facturé ¥ 4,000 lorsque vous vous inscrivez.

Vols et transfert à l'aéroport

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Tōkyō based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Assurance voyage

Etudiez a l'étranger sans souci avec notre assurance maladie et voyage. Lorsque vous réservez un cours avec nous, vous pouvez opter pour l'achat d'une assurance internationale qui couvre non seulement le coût des soins de santé, mais aussi la perte de vos affairs personnels. Vous devez réserver votre assurance à l'avance lorsque vous vous inscrivez.

En savoir plus sur notre assurance »

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Questions et réponses

Questions? Notre personnel ainsi que les anciens étudiants de Shinwa Foreign Language Academy y répondent.

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