Business and Administrative Management (Level 6 Postgraduate MBA entry)

Online Business School


Emploi du temps

Durée du cours
1 semaine
Débuts de séssion
Tous les lundis
Cours par semaine
1 leçon par semaine (chaque leçon dure 60 min)

L'emploi du temps du cours peut changer selon la disponibilité et la saison.

Description des cours

The Level 6 Diploma in Business and Administrative Management provides a firm grounding in business administration and a basis for further academic study. It also provides entry to an MBA programme at a range of universities.

The course is fully online. We offer open enrolment 365 days of the year, which means you can enrol on a course at any time, any day of the year.

This qualification provides a flexible route for learners who have already achieved management qualifications at a lower level as well as for learners who do not have business or management qualifications, but may have qualifications in other areas and/or prior management experience in the work place.

This qualification covers key areas of management such as Leadership, Finance, IT, Marketing and Personal Development. The course is made up of 10 modules, each of which consists of up to 40 hours of guided learning along with additional optional learning materials such as; recommended exercises, recommended readings and internet resources as well as self-testing exercises.

The course awards students with 120 credits which can be used to apply for a top-up degree at many major UK universities.

The fee for enrolling onto the level 6 course is £1200. We offer a range of payment plans and funding options and will work with you to find the right solution for your situation.

Niveau du cours


Taille du cours

Maximum 1 étudiant

Age des étudiants

Tranche d'âge 25 ans et plus


Un certificat d'accomplissement vous sera présenté à la fin de votre cours
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