Le cours d'anglais parlé est spécialement conçu pour les étudiants de pays étrangers qui souhaitent apprendre l'anglais dans un environnement international réel avec une concentration individuelle des formateurs. Nous avons conçu le cours Speaking English pour vous familiariser avec des éléments essentiels en anglais tels que la grammaire et le vocabulaire.
Live India! Live Culture of Incredible India while polishing your communication skills. Explore the best with Aii group in India while exploring the culture and the activities in India which includes sight seeing of program location as well as other excursions that you can do while learning a language with best of our trainers.
Ce cours d'anglais intensif très pratique sera le booster de votre réussite en anglais. Vous améliorerez vos compétences en expression orale et en communication, en écoute, en lecture et en écriture en peu de temps avec l'aide de nos formateurs quasi natifs.
Combinez votre séjour en Inde avec des cours d'anglais général spécialement conçus pour les étrangers. Notre expérience d'enseignement de l'anglais comme langue étrangère est notre principal avantage car les cours sont dispensés dans un environnement interculturel et multinational unique.
Live India! Live Culture of Incredible India while polishing your communication skills. Explore the best with Aii group in India while exploring the culture and the activities in India which includes sight seeing of program location as well as other excursions that you can do while learning a language with best of our trainers.
Live India! Live Culture of Incredible India while polishing your communication skills. Explore the best with Aii group in India while exploring the culture and the activities in India which includes sight seeing of program location as well as other excursions that you can do while learning a language with best of our trainers.
Live India! Live Culture of Incredible India while polishing your communication skills. Explore the best with Aii group in India while exploring the culture and the activities in India which includes sight seeing of program location as well as other excursions that you can do while learning a language with best of our trainers.
Live India! Live Culture of Incredible India while polishing your communication skills. Explore the best with Aii group in India while exploring the culture and the activities in India which includes sight seeing of program location as well as other excursions that you can do while learning a language with best of our trainers.
*Les prix peuvent changer sans préavis à cause des taux de change.