LILA* Liverpool
New Barratt House, 47 North John Street,, Liverpool, Merseyside L2 6SG, UK
LILA* Liverpool
L'emploi du temps du cours peut changer selon la disponibilité et la saison.
This is an excellent opportunity for students to improve their English while experiencing the lifestyle and culture of a new country as they study in a local Liverpool high school or college.
We work with carefully selected high schools, colleges and local families in Liverpool in order to give students the best academic and personal development experience possible.
The programme includes:
1 week General English tuition and orientation at LILA*
12 week placement at a leading local high school or college (number of hours/timetable will depend on the number of subjects chosen and the curriculum at the high school or college (12 weeks) )
13 weeks full-board accommodation with a local host-family
Full guardianship during the stay, including weekly personal tutor session
Full access to LILA* facilities and social programme through-out stay
Pre-arrival level test
Certificate and personal reference on completion of programme
Price— £4500
Start: September or January - contact for availability
Extras to be discussed on individual basis:
School books
Airport transfer and meet and greet service
Weekend excursion programme
Moyenne | 10 étudiants |
Maximum | 15 étudiants |
Tranche d'âge | 16 - 19 ans |
"LILA* cherche avant tout à nouer des relations solides et durables avec ses étudiants pour faire en sorte que leur séjour linguistique soit agréable et mémorable. Notre objectif est simple ; aimer apprendre - les étudiants de LILA* font ce qu'ils aiment le plus tout en apprenant.
Nous proposons aux étudiants une expérience totale, au cœur de cette ville emblématique. Nous avons récemment emménagé dans des locaux au cœur de la ville, à deux pas du centre commercial et de loisirs Liverpool One. La nouvelle école a 18 classes à thèmes et bénéficie d'infrastructures et d'équipements d'apprentissage modernes qui offrent aux étudiants de LILA* tout ce qu'ils peuvent souhaiter : un enseignement de qualité, un bon rapport qualité-prix, un plus grand éventail de cours, un emplacement de choix, un service personnalisé et un vaste programme d'activités extrascolaires pour vous permettre de partager votre expérience de LILA*.
Nous souhaitons que les étudiants de LILA* le restent pour toujours.
Nous offrons entre autres :
• Un enseignement de l'anglais de qualité et un grand choix de cours
• Un personnel enseignant qualifié et expérimenté
• Des frais de scolarité et d'hébergement offrant un bon rapport qualité-prix
• Une salle d'étude silencieuse
• Une salle d'informatique pour les cours d'anglais informatisés
• Des tableaux blancs interactifs
• Une ville attrayante, animée et sûre
• Un excellent réseau de familles d'accueil et des résidences pour étudiants confortables
• Une bibliothèque, avec accès wifi gratuit
• Un programme social avec excursions, promenades et activités et soirées à l'école
• Un responsable du bien-être des étudiants
Nous proposons un vaste programme d'excursions et d'activités organisées l'après-midi et le soir pendant toute l'année. La visite d'Anfield, où se trouve le stade du club de football de Liverpool et le musée qui relate l'histoire des Beatles est une excursion prisée des étudiants.
En plus de ses cours d'Anglais général, d'Anglais général Plus et de préparation à l'IELTS, LILA* est une école agréée pour les cours de Cambridge CELTA. Nous dispensons des cours CELTA à temps partiel et à temps plein pendant toute l'année, ce qui permet à nos étudiants d'anglais de suivre en plus de leurs propres cours des cours gratuits donnés par des professeurs stagiaires.
Les étudiants de LILA* ont la possibilité de séjourner dans une famille ou dans des résidences d'étudiants pendant toute l'année et en foyer universitaire en juillet et en août.
Le mélange d'âge et de nationalité à LILA* Liverpool varie selon la periode de l'année, les cours et les niveaux différent.
LILA* a des étudiants du monde entier, dont:
LILA* offre tout ce dont rêve un étudiant qui souhaite vivre une formidable expérience linguistique à l'étranger, dans 2 villes emblématiques. Nos infrastructures pédagogiques contemporaines hébergent un large éventail de cours, doublé d'un enseignement de qualité. L'école propose un excellent rapport qualité/prix, 2 endroits remarquables, un service personnalisé et un aspect socio-culturel fantastique qui viendra compléter votre expérience.
Si vous recherchez une destination culturelle animée et emblématique, alors LILA* Liverpool est l'école qu'il vous faut. Du fait de sa situation en plein cœur du centre ville, les élèves peuvent profiter des nouvelles boutiques, des restaurants et des bars branchés, ainsi que d'événements culturels, musicaux, sportifs et sociaux accessibles à deux pas de là. LILA* se trouve à deux pas du sensationnel quartier commerçant Liverpool One et à seulement un trajet de bus des deux plus grandes équipes de football de la Ligue 1, Liverpool et Everton FC. Nous sommes juste à côté du célèbre « Cavern Club », ancien repaire musical des Beatles, que vous pourrez visiter lors d'une sortie culturelle nocturne avec vos camarades de classe.
Les caractéristiques particulières incluent :
• Enseignement de haut niveau de l'anglais à l'aide d'un large éventail de cours
• Personnel enseignant qualifié et expérimenté
• Excellent rapport qualité/prix de l'enseignement et l'hébergement
• Espace d'étude calme
• Recours à la technologie, notamment des tableaux blancs interactifs, des tablettes PC et Apple TV
• Excellent réseau de familles d'accueil et résidences étudiantes confortables
• Accès Wi-fi gratuit
• Programme d'activités socio-culturelles, par exemple, voyages, randonnées, activités au sein de l'école et soirées
L'établissement de relations solides et durables est au cœur de LILA*, ce qui rend l'expérience d'apprentissage à nos côtés agréable et mémorable. Notre objectif est simple : donner goût à l'apprentissage. Les élèves de LILA* consacrent plus de temps aux activités qu'ils aiment tout en apprenant.
Mi è piaciuto tutto. Le lezioni nel modulo di 6 ore settimanali (SIXPLUS) è eccellente per chi come me ha studiato l'inglese anni fà e vuole riprenderlo in mano. Gli insegnati sono senz'altro molto preparati ed empatici. La composizione multietnica e le diverse età dei compagni di classe ,stimola a scambiare parole in lingua inglese. La sede è comoda ai servizi autobus ed ai pub e negozi, essendo in centro città. L'edificio nel quale si trova la scuola è moderno e facilmente accessibile (anche per i portatori di Handicap). Internamente la scuola è organizzata bene con aule studio e stanze relax molto spaziose e ben pulite. Lo staff della scuola è sempre sorridente, disponibile e preparato: appena può ti dà una mano e ti fa sentire subito parte del Gruppo. Grazie LILA!
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Yes! I have an unforgettable experience at LILA, I met a lot of friends here. The teachers are very nice and helpful. All the staff at LILA are very nice and friendly. I have practiced a lot my speaking and writing skills. I hope I will come back next time. Thank you guys for giving us such a good memory in Liverpool. The location of school is excellent.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...It's very good experience, the teachers give desire learn english and their courses it's excellent and dynamic. A location Lila's it's good and it's simple for find a school.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Very good classes! ..........................................................................................
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Everything (teachers, location,housing ..........) was perfect.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Though I had very good moments at Lila, with good classes, staff very friendly, awesome teachers, I would like to point some issues:
The rooms are not lit enough. As an electrical engineer, I`m able to talk with property about this topic. All rooms have some deficiency of light to read tasks. I recommend a review of the light system that must change according to the colors of floor and walls.
During the first week, we had classes in a room without lights! The problem was solved just at the middle of the second week. I had headache almost every day. A teacher tried to move us to another room. But, even there, some lights were not working.
On the end of my period there, many friends were complaining about a specific teacher that is not native and had a very hard accent. I never had classes with him and I think this is not a rule, but travel abroad to study in a native english country and had classes with not native english teachers doesn`t make sense.
In Lila there are very good not native teachers, but would be nice a more criterious way to evaluate the new teachers.
Except by these points, everything was fine.
I must leave here my congratulations to the host family. They were amazing, very friendly! They deserve some kind of award. I felt in home for all time that I share with them.
They made the difference!
I was comfortable with the class and the teachers. Everybody was so cool with me. My host family was the best part of the experience, excellent people and excellent condition of a place to stay.
The only thing I didn't like was to wait so much time to know my host family details. It would've been better to have more time prior to my travel to make a phone call to my host family. Fortunately they were special people and I could feel like at home since the first day.
I loved everything in Lila! The school has a great location, very close to the city center and the bus stops. The lessons were exciting, I learned lots of new things. All the staff and teachers were so kind and always ready to help; and special thanks to Alex Evans, the best English teacher ever!
I really enjoyed the activities, there was a wide variety of different trips and excursions for any taste.
It was so cool to meet many people from all over the world and make lots of new friends.
I really liked the classes, teachers, location, facilities, activities, and housing.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...The school is in down town and everything is near. The activities aren't that good. There aren't many activities.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I was in one advanced class and I really liked it. We usually were around 8 people and could discuss a lot of different topics such as the law, fashion and health. We had different teachers almost every week, so that it was very interesting to see in what way they tried to teach. Sometimes there were games, sometimes we had a discussion as a whole group or in pairs and sometimes we tried to work for ourselves so that it was a good mixture. The school has normal classrooms with whiteboards and tables so that it is no problem to learn there.
The social activities Lila offered were quite nice and it was good that there was a plan with all the activities available for each week. My housing was a bit outside the city centre, so that I had to walk 25 minutes. It was okay when it did not rain. I would have wished that more people of my accommodation would have gone to Lila, but on the other hand, I got to know nice people in the accommodation too who did not got to Lila but studied or worked in Liverpool.
All in all, it was a great experience and I was happy to go to Lila, because I think that it is one of the best and easiest way to make new friends.
Learn English to Lila was really interesting, because the teacher was interesting and dynamic. Liverpool had very nice people. My level in English is better now.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...
Hi Jeremy,
Thank you for taking the time to tell us a little about your recent experience at LILA*!
We hope to see you again in the future.
The LILA* Team
The teachers were very friendly and nice. I have learned a lot of new things. The lessons were fun, but we still learned new things. My classmates were very nice too. The location was quite nice and it was near to the train station, which I liked.
All in all, it was wonderful!
Hi Sophie,
Thank you so much for leaving a lovely review of LILA* Liverpool.
We'd love to have you back in the future!
The LILA* team
I liked classes. The teachers were great, but one thing I really missed was improving my grammar. Even in advanced class, we didn't practice much grammar. Most of the time we just did speaking which improved my English skills, but also got boring because we didn't write things down or write any essays.
I stayed at Alexander Terrace which, I think, was the worst part of my stay in Liverpool. During the last week, there was no hot water and anyway it was so dirty that it was impossible to use the kitchen there.
The time in LILA was nice, but i have to say that in my opinion the school should have a better structure. The teachers should be more organized.
With that I mean is that some teachers did at the same topics at the same time, and have also the same handouts for the students, which were quite boring.
Also the variety of the lessons are often the same, and if a person is not that into Art and stuff like this, it is just not interesting. Of course, Liverpool has a great history of music and art, but after one or two months I had enough. Everybody was talking about these things, even out of the school. At the advanced level, I also wish to talk about politics and business in English, but the teacher never talked about that. I couldn't figure out why, but sometimes I thought the teachers were afraid to talk about it, because they had a lot of different students with different cultural backgrounds. If a person like me is at the school for a couple months, it is a lot of repetition of the topics.
I also wished that the classes are better split, like grammar lesson, conversation, and write and reading, because if a student would like to improve their grammar skills it is almost impossible because 80% of the lessons are conversation. That is also the main reason why I can't recommend the school. Sometimes I thought some teacher were just not willing to do some grammar lessons because it is a bit a dry topic, but i mean that's a part of the language.
Another important thing is that all of the teachers should work with the schoolbook, because we have to buy the book for 25 pounds and at the end we got always handouts from some teacher from other books because they thought their own book would be better. Of course some teacher doesn't like this book, but if the teachers work with different books, the students shouldn't have to buy this books because that is quite piss-take.
I really a have to say Faith, Steven, and David did a great job it was a pleasure to have these three people as a teacher I wish more teachers would be like them.
The last negative thing the LILA wifi please remove it or change it with a wifi which works. The most of the time the wifi was so bad that I couldn't use my English dictionary. Better no wifi than a wifi like that. big minus point.
What I really liked were the Tutorials. It was really interesting to see how I improved my level from month to month. What I also liked were the trips. Hanna organized them always very well.
Les familles d'accueil sont choisies avec beaucoup d'attention et permettent les étudiants de connaître la culture locale dans un environment sympathique lors de leurs études !of Anglais !in Liverpool. Ces logements se trouvent généralement entre 20 et 45 de l'école par transport en commun. Les famillles offrent aussi des formules de repas qui donnent l'opportunité de déguster la cuisine locale. Si vous avez des demandes specifiques ou des restrictions diététiques (pour des raisons religieuses ou médicales), merci de nous en prévenir à l'avance. Sauf exceptions notés, votre logement commence le dimanche avant votre premier jour de classes et termine le samedi après votre dernier jour de classes. En savoir plus sur les familles d'accueil
Homestay Full Board
Nous ne pouvons pas faire de demande de visa au nom des étudiants. Cependant, l'école peut vous fournir tous les documents dont vous avez besoin pour préparer votre demande.
Les citoyens de l'Union européenne n'ont pas besoin d'un visa pour étudier au Royaume-Uni. Si ce n'est pas un citoyen de l'Union européenne, vous avez besoin d'un visa pour vivre et étudier au Royaume-Uni. Si vous avez besoin d'un visa et que vous souhaitez étudier au Royaume-Uni depuis plus de 11 mois, vous recevrez un numéro de référence appelé Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) que vous devez présenter à l'ambassade du Royaume-Uni avec votre demande de General Student Visa (GSV). Les étudiants qui ont réussi à réserver un séjour linguistique et qui ont payé leur cotisation recevront un CAS de! school_short_name. La législation britannique, un CAS ne peut être délivré aux étudiants qui désirent poursuivre des études de langue anglaise pour plus de 11 mois.
Si vous avez besoin d'un visa et étudiez au Royaume-Uni pour 11 mois ou moins, vous devez demander un visa de Student Visitor. En tant que visiteur étudiant, vous ne serez pas en mesure de travailler à temps partiel pendant leur séjour linguistique. Si vous envisagez d'étudier au Royaume-Uni pour 11 mois ou moins, une lettre d'acceptation sera envoyée à votre domicile par la poste, sans frais pour vous. Si vous désirez recevoir vos documents par courrier express, vous serez facturé £ 50 lorsque vous vous inscrivez.
En savoir plus sur la façon d'obtenir un visa du Royaume-Uni »
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Liverpool based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Etudiez a l'étranger sans souci avec notre assurance maladie et voyage. Lorsque vous réservez un cours avec nous, vous pouvez opter pour l'achat d'une assurance internationale qui couvre non seulement le coût des soins de santé, mais aussi la perte de vos affairs personnels. Vous devez réserver votre assurance à l'avance lorsque vous vous inscrivez.
Questions? Notre personnel ainsi que les anciens étudiants de LILA* Liverpool y répondent.
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