ActiLingua Academy
Reisnerstraße 61, Vienna, 1030, Austria
ActiLingua Academy
- 18 %
Pour des étudiants qui désirent fréquenter une université autrichienne, nous proposons des cours de préparation et vous conseillons dans le choix d'une école supérieure. Placement pour une durée de deux à quatre ans d'études ou seulement un voire deux semestres comme étudiant hôte.
Le programme est destiné aux diplômés du secondaire qui souhaitent faire étude en Autriche. Le cours d'allemand vous permet de perfectionner vos connaissances de la langue allemande. Les experts-enseignants d'ActiLingua vous conseillent dans le choix et lors de l'inscription à l'université. Nous pouvons également vous placer dans l'université autrichienne privée/publique adéquate proposant des programmes autrichiens de Bachelier, Maîtriser et Doctorat.
Un cours d'allemand intensif d'une durée minimale de 8 semaines, vous prépare à relever les défis de l'université et ce, avant de commencer vos études. Vous apprenez l'allemand au sein de petits groupes internationaux et en suivant un programme reconnu. Si vous réservez un cours de longue durée de 12 semaines ou plus, vous bénéficiez de notre réduction « longue durée » pouvant aller jusqu'à 18%; cette dernière est déjà incluse dans la liste de prix. Les débutants en allemand doivent prévoir un cour d'allemand d'au moins 36 semaines. Si vous ne savez pas vraiment quelle durée de cours choisir, vous avez alors la possibilité de passer un test d'évaluation préalable. Nous vous conseillerons avec plaisir sur la durée de votre cours d'allemand!
Le cours de préparation vous prépare en outre à l'obtention d'un certificat d'entrée à l'université. Certificats ÖSD (=Diplôme de langue autrichien):
Les certificats ÖSD Zertifikat B2 (niveau moyen, B2) ou C1 Oberstufe Deutsch (niveau avancé, C1) sont reconnus pour l'admission auprès des universités autrichienne et de certaines universités allemandes, en tant que preuves de la suffisance des connaissances de la langue allemande. Notre conseiller pédagogique peut vous informer dans deux tutoriels sur le système de l'enseignement supérieur autrichien et vous aider à choisir la bonne université et le bon cursus.
En plus de la préparation à l'université, vous pouvez réserver notre service de placement. Avant de venir à Vienne et de commencer votre cours d'allemand, notre conseiller pédagogique vérifie si vos documents sont suffisants pour votre admission à une école supérieure publique ou privée autrichienne. Nous vous plaçons dans une université publique/privée ou une école supérieure. Vous pouvez également choisir une université avec des programmes enseignés en anglais.
Il existe certaines restrictions d'admissions dans les universités publiques, en particulier pour les études et les disciplines populaires (par ex. disciplines médicales,biologie, pharmacie, psychologie, gestion d'entreprises, etc.).
Contactez l'université pour des informations détaillées.
Résident de l'UE, de l'EEE ou de la Suisse:
Baccalauréat (traduit et éventuellement certifié conforme). Les universités décident si des examens supplémentaires ou complémentaires sont nécessaires.
Preuve de la connaissance de la langue allemande: Examen d'entrée à l'université ÖSD Zertifikat B2
Les citoyens qui ne sont pas résidents de l'UE, l'EEE ou de la Suisse et qui s'inscrivent auprès d'universités publiques, doivent également fournir :
Une confirmation de l'université de leur pays, attestant qu'ils peuvent y étudier, et précisément:
la même discipline qu'ils souhaitent étudier en Autriche et
pour la période pendant laquelle ils souhaitent étudier en Autriche.
Cette confirmation n'est pas nécessaire pour l'inscription d'une université privée.
Information sur les visas
Les études durent environ 3-5 ans. Vous recevez alors le diplôme de premier degré universitaire (bachelor) ou de maîtrise (master). En tant qu'auditeur libre, vous pouvez vous inscrire pour un ou plusieurs semestres.
Unversités en Autriche: Universität Wien, Technische Universität Wien, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Universität Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck et autres.
Académies des beaux-arts: Konservatorium Wien, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Salzburg (Mozarteum Salzburg) et autres.
Leçons : 20 ou 30 cours (cours standard/intensif) par semaine.
5 cours (2-3 fois) par semaine programme culturel / cours facultatifs.
8 cours de preparation à l'examen et 2 tutoriels.
Début : Chaque lundi. Débutants en bas.
Début pour les débutants : 07.01.2019 / 04.02.2019 / 04.03.2019 / 01.04.2019 /
06.05.2019 / 03.06.2019 / 01.07.2019 / 29.07.2019 /
02.09.2019 / 30.09.2019 / 04.11.2019 / 02.12.2019 /
Début du cours l'examen : 21.01.2019 (exam: 31.01.2019 & 01.02.2019) / 04.03.2019 (exam: 14.03.2019 & 15.03.2019) / 06.05.2019 (exam: 16.05.2019 & 17.05.2019) / 01.07.2019 (exam: 11.07.2019 & 12.07.2019) /
15.07.2019 (exam: 25.07.2019 & 26.07.2019) / 05.08.2019 (exam: 14.08.2019 & 16.08.2019) / 02.09.2019 (exam: 12.09.2019 & 13.09.2019) / 04.11.2019 (exam: 14.11.2019 & 15.11.2019)
Durée : 8-52 semaines.
Âge minimum : 16 ans.
La préparation à l'entrée en université comprend:
8 leçons de cours de préparation à l'examen ÖSD
La taxe d'examen B2 ou C1
2 tutoriels gratuits: aide au choix du cursus et du lieu d'étude avec le conseiller pédagogique d'ActiLingua.
Conseil sur le système d'enseignement supérieur autrichien.
Compris dans le Guidance d’inscription
Calendrier pour votre accès aux études et soutien à l’obtention d’un visa.
Guidance de la soumission des documents d’inscription auprès de 1 à 3 hautes écoles autrichiennes ou du cours préparation de l’université (Vorstudienlehrgang).
Cours d'allemand
Cours Standard: 20 leçons par semaine (1 leçon = 45 minutes) au cours desquelles l'accent est mis sur l'amélioration de vos connaissances générales en allemand et de vos capacités à converser. Des cours de grammaire et de conversation vous permettent d'améliorer votre syntaxe et d'enrichir votre vocabulaire. Vous êtes amené à rédiger des lettres formelles et informelles et affinez compréhension écrite et orale.
Cours Intensif: En complément au cours standard, vous pouvez réserver 10 leçons d'allemand supplémentaires par semaine en petits groupes.
5 cours par semaine programme culturel/cours facultatifs, par ex., visites de Vienne, des conférences sur la musique, l'art, l'histoire, la littérature; des cours de valse viennoise; des fêtes; du sport.
Certificat d'ActiLingua
Précis de vocabulaire
Livres de cours prêtés pour la totalité des cours. En cas d'achat des livres, des réductions allant jusqu'à 50% sont accordées au secrétariat de l'école.
Utilisation des ordinateurs, des livres, des vidéos, des magasins de la médiathèque.
Service étudiant dans le secrétariat de l'école.
Accès internet gratuit (WiFi).
Guide étudiant de Vienne avec des adresses utiles.
La carte ActiLingua qui offre des réductions dans certains musées, théâtres, restaurants et magasins.
Écouter, parler, prononciation, lecture, rédaction, vocabulaire, grammaire et activités
ActiLingua Academy ne prévoit pas de cours durant des jours fériés indiqués ci-dessus. L'école n'offre pas de remboursement pour ces jours manqués donc faîtes attention en choississant vos dates de voyage.
L'emploi du temps du cours peut changer selon la disponibilité et la saison.
Moyenne | 8 étudiants |
Maximum | 12 étudiants |
Tranche d'âge | 16 ans et plus |
Notre école moderne est située dans la belle ville de Vienne (Autriche). Avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience, elle est pionnère dans le domaine des cours d’allemand langue étrangère.
Nos cours d’allemand diversifiés sont reconnus mondialement et sont recommandés à l’échelle internationale. ActiLingua Academy - le choix idéal pour un cours d’allemand à Vienne !
Le mélange d'âge et de nationalité à ActiLingua Academy varie selon la periode de l'année, les cours et les niveaux différent.
ne prévoit pas de cours durant des jours fériés indiqués ci-dessous. L'école n'offre pas de remboursement pour ces jours manqués donc faîtes attention en choississant vos dates de voyage.
Situé dans le quartier des ambassades de Vienne, de l'autre côté de ''Schloss Belvedere''. Le centre-ville (Stephansplatz) se trouve à 15 minutes en transport en commun.
Skilled and friendly teachers. Beautiful location in the vicinity of a tram stop.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I was only there for a week- however in the short time I was there I had a positive experience. The teacher was very compotent and I liked the fact that before leaving, I was given the opportunity to write my own essay and take a test on what I'd learnt that week.
Fortunately that week we covered some grammatical aspects I find particularly difficult- so that was very useful and the handouts/information sheets I was provided with will be useful in the future.
The only aspect I personally didn't like was the game playing- but this could simply be because I don't find game playing helpful when learning a language. I prefer exercises/essay-writing.
I didn't stay in ActiLingua housing so cannot comment on this.
I participated in the intensive course also, for two weeks. The lessons of the standard courses were good, but the intensive course, in the first week, I didn’t find the most useful. The second week we had another teacher for the intensive course, and he was quite bad, I didn’t feel I learned anything at all. Though, my biggest problem was not this. The second week, on Tuesday, teacher told us he had also just got to know, that there will be no lesson on Friday, because the size of our group was too small (obviously it was the school who put us into groups, not us). I went to the secretary, and asked her about this, and she told me that it’s because if a size of a group is under 5 (we were 4), then the classes are more intense, we have more time to talk, so they get rid of the last lesson of the week. I told her that I don’t agree with this, and that I paid for an exact number of lessons, so it is definietly not okay if I get less of them. She told me that it was written in the terms and conditions, so I signed up for it. I checked it in the terms and conditions after, and nothing about cancelling lessons, or anything was in it. So I feel this was definietly unfair, and I feel I have been ripped off.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Classes were pretty good, also teachers. School was 30 minutes from house, that was a bit problem but ok. I expected a lot more from school activities. A lot more that *night walk*. That was a bit dissapointing. At my house the cleaning ladies stold some of my stuff and when I told it to receptionist they said that the didnt found nothing.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...The classes were good, but they really made me tired. The teachers were nice to us and I liked the way how they teach us. What I didn't like that they forced us to talk about things like LGBTQ but we didn't get infomation about Churchsrvice in our vicinity. The location was perfect. All I wanted to see was close to us. The activitis were really good. The housing was fine. I liked this old building.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I have only positive experience with the school and overall Vienna which I am really thankful for. Everyone including the teachers and the students were very nice, kind and helpful. I feel lucky, that I had the chance to be part of an excellent team like this. I did not get my accomodation through Actilingua, but it was really close to my school, so it was convenient. The classes were interesting and we discussed actual news that happened the city recently.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I had very pleasant time at your School. The classes were at very high level and the knowledge of my teacher, Laura was also perfekt. I enjoyed so much her teaching method: she could motivate us and she tried to do us our best.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I took the beginner classes. It was very fun. All of teachers were very good and kind.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I think the commitment and involvement of the teacher is excellent! I don't like the teaching material which consists of separate copies. That makes it flexible, but always looking for where you left off. The culture program was very disappointing. The first week there was no offer. The second week it started, but unfortunately too late for me considering my departure after 12 days. Somewhat disappointingly, there was not a single 50+ student, but only young students still attending school.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...The classes were well-structured and I appreciated the fact that the teachers came well prepared with varying types of exercises, e.g. grammar lessons, group work, audio training, etc.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Well, I liked everything, especially the very nice, nice and knowledgeable teachers.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I adored my time in Vienna with ActiLingua. I found the classes both fun and informative. I choose only the morning classes, and really enjoyed it. The teachers came up with fun and active games that got us thinking and learning.
The accommodation was very good, very clean, nice old building. My only complaint was that it was a bit far out, however, with the Ubahn and strassbahn so close, it didn't make too much of a difference.
The class size being so small was also very good, only about 6-8 people in my class, as it allowed me to get to know most people in it, something which was very important. I made some great friends and memories I don't think I will be forgetting.
I did not go on any of the after school activities, so I cannot talk about them, though we did go barhopping on the Friday night, which was a lot of fun.
The location of the school was also very good, very close to the strassbahn, and only about a 15 minute walk to the city centre. The city itself is absolutely beautiful, I had been there before when I was young, and it completely lived up to my memory of it. Full of art, music, stunning architecture, and shopping. I'd go back tomorrow if I could, and booking through Actilingua was very easy. Everyone was very accommodating and understanding. Thank you so much for having me, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Danke schone Actilingua! :D
The class had a good ambiance, and I learn some really useful vocabulary, but for me I only had one week and I would have prefer to do more grammar stuff, to really improve my speaking. For me it was a little bit too much holiday class, and not serious learning.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...The academy has a great variety of modern facilities such as the classes; the administration area, the main hall -with many computers-, as well as clean and neat toilette services.
It's located in a central area of Vienna which is very well connected with the tram. The teacher I had was very helpful and kind. All staff was very helpful and friendly.
The first day there were lots of students and somehow it was a bit chaotic, but every step was very well organized. Those of us who had previously taken the on line test before arriving to the Academy, only had to fill up a couple of sheets with some information. We were give some information which was very useful, such as a quite thick German vocabulary booklet as well as a nice welcome folder with lots of information about discounts for the students, instructions about how to log on with the computers, and so on. I must say it was very convenient.
Then we had an interview. This was added to the on line test and then we were told our level and course.
Had 2 teachers in the week I was there. One was okay, one was excellent. With the excellent one, I learned a lot. School location was great, right by the museum. It would be better if the school offers discounts to the museum next door (Belvedere). Coffee machine produces super bad coffee, and no water cooler to get water. Overall experience is positive.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Je suis enchantée par ma semaine de cours en allemand avec ActiLingua.
Les deux professeurs Hemma et Nina sont sensationnelles et très compétentes .
Cette semaine de cours m'a beaucoup apporté et redonné confiance dans l'étude de l'Allemand .
Expérience positive en tout point .
Je pense revenir étudier dans cette école .
Marie-Christine .
Really got lucky with this school: even before coming, I had to complete a placement test, and then upon arrival had to have a short conversation with someone from the school so that they were sure to put me in the right group, appropriate for my level. I did a two-week intensive/super-intensive German course, and it was great: 10h of grammar, 10h of conversation, 10h of intensive course for whatever we wanted to do, be it grammar, conversation or something else; and then the second week the super-intensive course included 10h of one on one classes, basically to do whatever I wanted (we did some grammar, some conversation). The group I was in was indeed at my level, the teachers were nice and always well prepared, but still flexible to help us with anything we wanted to go into or ask.
The location is nice, close to a park, the building is charmingly old but well maintained and equipped, so really everything was great. Highly recommend it!!!
I enjoyed the stay at ActiLingua. The method of instruction was very well organized. The only problem would be the small size of the school.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Highly professional teachers, mostly well prepared for the lesson.
As far as level of language skills, the group was quite well sorted, but as far as age I was the only person far from the others.
Teachers were sticking rigorously to the curriculum, but I was missing a general overview of the whole German grammar.
And despite of my requests to teacher in the intensive part, such overview was not provided.
Classes were rather small and hot in these days without an functioning A/C.
Student hotel was nice, clean and designed to serve the purpose of providing students a comfortable place to stay.
However, there was noisy after 10pm, sometimes up to 4 am.
I liked all the teachers, students and classes. It was really great, a new way to learn language being in such a nice city. I have improved my knowledge of German. Thanks a lot!
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I really enjoyed the company of the people I met there and the fact we had a lot of free time to bond. The classes, materials and teachers were very enjoyable and helpful. I improved my German knowledge a lot and I am happy I attended those lessons. The accommodation was very good along with the food and staff working there. The activities were fine, but I feel they could still be improved.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I had a very nice week in Vienna. Unfortunately I only had one week for the course because I have to go back to work.
The classes: people in the class were very nice. They were very intelligent, friendly and helpful. The international society was very inspiring for me.
The teachers were excellent. The young teachers are helpful, open and committed. I think, especially Sebastian was a very good teacher. The lessons were well-balanced and interesting.
The location is very beautiful. I really liked Vienna.
I hope, that I can also return next year to take part in another course in Vienna.
I would say that the trip was amazing. The school's location was very good. However, the accommodation was poor.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Transfer - Perfect.
Housing - Good! Friendly maids and clean rooms.
Activities - Nothing I can say.
The timetable was not very comfortable; it started at 2:15., but acceptable. The teachers were great. I learnt a lot. The school was in a comfortable location of school. Not far from the centre!
In general, it was a good experience.
The teachers were great, and the location of the school was perfect, near everything. The facilities and activities were very interesting. I could not say that there was something that I didn't like. The housing was not provided by Language International, so I can't say anything about that.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Classes: The classes are good, but it is difficult to know at which level the student is. There isn't a linear sequence learning. There is no book to follow, which makes it very difficult.
Classes change the turn without notice, and the student can not change it. In other words, even if the person enrolls in the morning turn, he/she may may be required to study in the afternoon or evening. Nothing is guaranteed.
When the student has problems, the resolution is slow. If you miss lessons in the process, these are never reset. Don´t expect to be well treated by the secretary in the meantime.
Teachers: some of them are quite good (Andrea is a good example). But there are awful teachers, as well. You need luck in that matter. I saw one teacher laugh about a student's mistake, and not enough pleased by it, left the class to tell the story to the secretary (in the middle of the class).
Location: good.
Facilities: average.
Activities: good.
Housing: I dunno.
Conclusion: I really don´t intend to go back there (ActiLingua). For the money I´ve paid, there are lot of better options in Vienna.
Classes - good
Teachers - 2 out of 3 were very good
Location - also good (everything in Vienna is located near trams/metro)
Facilities - average (internet at the academy was very slow)
Activities - I went to 1 out of the 3 activities that were held during that week. It wasn't that well organised, but it was fun/ok with the other students. A big negative for me (overall) was that the average age was approximately between 17 and 19, while I am almost 23. Together with another Dutch girl I was the only one that is already studying in university. The website told me the average age was higher.
Housing - I was lucky to have a nice roommate with whom I became friends. Furthermore the housing was good.
Les familles d'accueil sont choisies avec beaucoup d'attention et permettent les étudiants de connaître la culture locale dans un environment sympathique lors de leurs études !of Allemand !in Vienne. Ces logements se trouvent généralement entre 20 et 40 de l'école par transport en commun. Les famillles offrent aussi des formules de repas qui donnent l'opportunité de déguster la cuisine locale. Si vous avez des demandes specifiques ou des restrictions diététiques (pour des raisons religieuses ou médicales), merci de nous en prévenir à l'avance. Sauf exceptions notés, votre logement commence le dimanche avant votre premier jour de classes et termine le samedi après votre dernier jour de classes. En savoir plus sur les familles d'accueil
Host Family: single room
Les résidences d'étudiants sont plus convenables pour un étudiant indépendant, qui recherche un logement propre et simple à un prix économique. Sauf exceptions notés, tous les étudiants doivent avoir 16+. Sauf exceptions notés, votre logement commence le dimanche avant votre premier jour de classes et termine le samedi après votre dernier jour de classes. Les résidences ne prévoient pas de formule repas. En savoir plus sur les résidences d'étudiants
Student Hostel
The Social Hub - Student residence (off-campus) - Single-person room - No meals
Vous avez la possibilité de louer un appartement durant vos études à Vienne, mais ceci est plus coûteux. ActiLingua Academy peut vous donner des conseils pour trouver un appartement. Sinon, vous pouvez faire votre propre recherche.
ActiLingua Penthouse: single room
ActiLingua Apartment: single room
ActiLingua Penthouse: deluxe single room
Nous ne pouvons pas faire de demande de visa au nom des étudiants. Cependant, l'école peut vous fournir tous les documents dont vous avez besoin pour préparer votre demande.
Votre lettre d'acceptation sera envoyée à votre domicile par la poste sans frais. Si vous désirez recevoir vos documents par courrier express, vous serez facturé 100 € lorsque vous vous inscrivez.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Vienne based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Etudiez a l'étranger sans souci avec notre assurance maladie et voyage. Lorsque vous réservez un cours avec nous, vous pouvez opter pour l'achat d'une assurance internationale qui couvre non seulement le coût des soins de santé, mais aussi la perte de vos affairs personnels. Vous devez réserver votre assurance à l'avance lorsque vous vous inscrivez.
Questions? Notre personnel ainsi que les anciens étudiants de ActiLingua Academy y répondent.
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